Regulatory Law and Life Sciences

Regulatory Law and Life Sciences

Legal consultancy on Sanitary Law: drugs and related goods import proceedings.

Legal consulting on products and related goods registration before the National Sanitary Agency (ANVISA) and States’ Sanitary Council (CVS), Licenses and Permits.

Regulatory aspects regarding the production, handling, selling, promotion, transportation and storage, stocking of food, beverages, drugs and other products submitted to sanitary rules.

Regulatory aspects related to the cold chain sector – regulation on the production, storage and transportation of certain products which require cold chain use in the processes mentioned above.
Analysis, drafting and adaptation of labels, packages and good manufacturing practices.

Analysis of applicable rules to healthcare professionals and activities.
Guidance on filings before Professional Committees (CRM, CRN etc.).

Defense in Administrative Procedures and Judicial Lawsuits related to the
above-mentioned aspects of Law.

Consumer Law

Adaptation of labels and packaging to the consumer legislation.
Analysis of product publicity and conformity to the CONAR legislation and others.
Analysis of commercial promotions involving the distribution of gifts, gift tokens and contests, and Compliance policies – Sanitary Vigilance, INMETRO, SINMETRO.